
Performance & Transparency Performance - Labor Market Reviews

Labor Market Reviews

Review data on the labor force, employment by sector and more.

May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
December 2023
November 2023
October 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
June 2023
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
How Texas Evaluates Us

Every year, the Texas Workforce Commission establishes performance expectations for each board. Currently, there are 21 performance measures that TWC tracks. WSB continuously monitors outcomes regarding customers served, entered employment rate, employment retention rate, credentials, and more as indicators to meet the needs of our customers in the community.

How We Measure Our Success

Monthly Performance Review
Annual Reports

Workforce Solutions Borderplex takes pride in analyzing and assessing our performance and effectiveness as a workforce development board funded by the Texas Workforce Commission and Department of Labor, in addition to an array of non-formula funding from strategic partners.

Our research team and program managers regularly report economic trends, program performance, and the labor market, producing a concise annual report each year.