
CareForce Families Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I meet the Qualification for the Scholarship?

The first step to see if you are qualified is to do our pre-screen application. The questions are designed to see if you meet the minimum qualifications. If you do meet the minimum qualifications, then we will be contacted by our staff within 5 days through e-mail and you will be sent an application requesting the required supportive documents. Upon return of the required documentations, our staff complete the application and determine if your child fully qualify for the scholarship.

2. How long does the Waitlist last?

The Waitlist can last 3-4 months and up to 1 year, depending on funding.

3. Can I waive the waitlist?

The waitlist can be waived if you fall under our Priority Category and funding is available, which is:

  • U.S. Veterans
  • Children of Foster Youth
  • Children experiencing Homelessness
  • Parents on military deployment who are unable to enroll their children in a military-funded childcare assistance program
  • Teen Parents
  • Children with disabilities

4. What documents are required for the Application Process?

You can download required documents in the Required Documents section of this page.

5. How can I reduce the price of my daycare cost?

Applying for our scholarship can reduce the price of daycare initially. You can further reduce costs by picking a childcare that is part of the Texas Rising Star program.

6. How long will it take to receive the scholarship for my child?

It can take up to 20 days, but it often depends on if the required supportive documents are returned back quickly.

7. Can you help me select a day care?

Yes, we can help you locate day care providers by doing a search here, or our staff can assist you throughout the application process

8. How can I check my status?

You can check your status by contacting our customer services at 915-887-2878

9. Can I replace a child that is currently in services with my toddler or added sibling?

A child/children may not be replaced for an existing child/children in care. The childcare scholarship has been approved for the child/children during the redetermination or initial intake. Any child that was not determined eligible at the determination is considered a new enrollment. Child Care Services is not accepting new childcare enrollments at this time.

10. When will funding be available?

Funding is currently unavailable and may not be available from 6 – 12 months. In other instances, the waiting period may be longer than 1 year.

11. Why did my parents fee increase so drastically?

The parent fee is based on the household income. In some cases, a family may experience an increase income which can raise the parent free. In addition, each year beginning October 1st, the parent fees are re-evaluated to ensure community affordability. This means that the parent fee may increase or decrease. In previous years (2020 – 2022), parent fees were significantly reduced due to the impact of the pandemic. As we return to normal operations, fees have adjusted accordingly to reflect current costs.

12. Who controls the price of my childcare? CCS or daycare?

The cost of your daycare is determined through a collaboration. Daycare providers set their daily fees, while the Texas Workforce Commission approves the state median income guidelines which are based on federal standards approved by the U.S department of Health and Human Services. State median income is calculated annually. The Child Car program then uses this information to determine income eligibility for childcare scholarships in Texas.

13. Why don’t I receive a call when my recert packet is sent out?

Due to the high number of participants contacting each family individually is not part of the standard process. However, families receive a confirmation of services letter at the time of redetermination, which includes all the case information for reference. This document serves as a reminder and provides the necessary detail for completing the renewal process.

14. If there is no funding, why is the program still running?

The program is able to support a certain number of children each year. Once the scholarships have reached their capacity, Child Care Services begins a waitlist process. Once funding becomes available, the scholarships will be opened based on a priority group.

15. Can you please explain how the funding works?

Funding for childcare is primarily provided through federal grants from the U.S Department of Health and Human Services. These funds are allocated to the Texas Workforce Commission under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Program. The Texas Workforce Commission then distributes the funding to local workforce development boards across the state of Texas to administer the Child Care Scholarships.

16. What other programs can you help with regarding childcare?

Yes, the YWCA offers discounted rates, and they also have free childcare program for veterans but its limited spaced (Eligibility also conducted). There may be other resources within the community you may want to look into.

17. I lost my job; how can I keep my services?

Qualifying families received 3 additional months of childcare but must return with job hours before the end of the 3 months in order to keep services beyond that time frame. It must also be reported timely (within 14 days).

18. I heard there is help going back to school, is this true?

Yes, CCS works in collaboration with partners to refer and provide assistance with school funding. Child Care partners with community organizations to provide assistance.

19. How do your Hot Jobs actually work?

Hot Jobs are high-demand positions identified based on local labor trends and promoted through job fairs, workshops, and online platforms. We also offer training and resources to help job seekers qualify for and succeed in these roles.

20. I used to be in the WIOA program/ choices, can I apply again?

Yes, please get in touch with the FCE Team for further guidance at 915-887-2878 or email

21. My friend lost her job and WSB helped her get another one, how long is the process?

It is case by case. It depends on how quickly parents can provide all required documents and they are referred out to hiring companies.